6Hours,within 4 persons,total3,200NTD,more than 6 hours, per hour+400NTD
6Hours,within 8 persons,total3,500NTD,more than 6 hours,per hour +500 NTD
(The expense include: driver、fuel、toll parking, Not include: ticket 、meal丶tips)
Hotel→ Presidential office →CKS Memorial Hall→101 tower→National Palace Museum→Shilin Residence→Danshui old street→Danshui Fisherman's Wharf→Shilin Night Market get off or back to hotel
Hotel→ Presidential office →CKS Memorial Hall→YongKang Street taste Taiwan snacks→Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall→101 tower→Wufenpu shopping→Raohe street night market get off or back to hotel